Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Welcome to the World

World meet Natalie

Natalie meet Mamaw

Nanna's first time holding Natalie

Uncle T was to the rescue and brought us some much needed McDonald's when Natalie was 9 hours old!

Daddy's girls

The new Gilbreath clan

Your girls miss you Pawpaw- can't wait until you come home!

Mamaw's girls

Auntie A

sleepy little girl

Daddy's sweet angel #2

Sleepy daddy

Natalie coming home

The most precious picture ever.

Natalie Kate Gilbreath was born on 3/9/08.

On Saturday night Clint and I went to play cards next door with Chris and Aileen. After about an hour or so of playing I went to the bathroom thinking "something isn't right." But, I shrugged it off only to be back in the bathroom 10 minutes later still thinking "something isn't right." I called Clint into the bathroom to confer and Melanie came with us and proceeded to tell me "Peepee goes in the potty not your panties mommy" Gee, thanks...but even she could tell "something isn't right." I went home, changed and came back. I called my parents to tell them to be on alert and then a huge gush of water occurred and I realized that my water had in fact broken. So Clint and I quickly put all of our stuff in the car, told Melanie goodbye (the plan all along was for her to stay with Chris and Aileen) and started the trek to Dekalb. We called the doctor on the way and she said she would meet us there. So, my parents and Clint's mom all met us at the hospital and I began the getting checking in process. I was only have mild contractions like what I had been having for a week or so. We all decided to change where we were sitting and when I stood up an even bigger gush of water occurred, soaking my clothes and creating a puddle in the floor. I was then taken back to triage and the whole process began. My water officially broke at 8:00 pm Saturday night and I was checked around 9:00 pm at Dekalb and I was 4 cm and 80% effaced with regular contractions. They completed their paperwork and then started me on a fluid IV and Pitocin. Well, Pitocin doesn't mess around. I was about 5-6 cm when they got the IV really going (around 10:30). By midnight I was 7 cm and NOT comfortable at all. I had various people (Brian, Dawn, Donna, and my parents) in an out from 9:00-12:00 but then I declared no visitors because I was in quite a bit of pain. When the nurse checked me at 12:00 and said I was at 7 cm I already felt the pushing pressure. She alerted the doctor. By 12:15 I was at 10 cm and the baby was most definitely coming out. The doctor was not in there yet (hmmmm, didn't this happen with Melanie) so the nurse was calling for back up to help her catch the baby. They had me on my side again telling me not to push (just like with Melanie) but when a baby is coming out it doesn't' matter if you want to push or not- it will happen. So, for 2 contractions I felt it coming out but I was trying not to push (quite unsuccessfully) and the doctor finally came in and on the first contraction with her in the room the baby came out. Let me just say this time was MUCH MORE painful than with Melanie. For whatever reason Melanie was a completely pain free birth. Yes, uncomfortable but not painful. Natalie, well, she was a different story. Not too pleasant to say the least. I was absolutely shocked to find out that I delivered another girl. I knew for a fact that I was carrying a boy...how wrong I was. Then I realized I delivered Melanie's skinny twin. They look soooooo much alike but Natalie is much more slender. Thank goodness she came to the world 2 weeks early- she weighed 7 lb 12.5 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She took right to breastfeeding and has been a pro. She eats almost every 2 hours with no problems- wahoo! Her middle name "Kate" came from Clint's grandmother "Katherine," my mom "Cathy," and Clint's mom's middle name is "Kay" so we thought Kate included all of our family quite well.

So far little miss Natalie has been an angel. She cried all of about 10 minutes total in the hospital. Melanie loved seeing her but was a bit silly. She talked in baby talk and just kind of grazed Natalie's skin with her fingers but wouldn't really touch her. But, since we have been home she seemed much more engaged with Natalie. We came home Monday at lunch time. After many guests we enjoyed our time alone with our family. However, as sweet and calm as Natalie has been she woke up from 10:00-2:00 last night raring to go. She was awake every night from about 10:00-12:00 when she was in my so I guess this is no different. Clint and I took shifts holding her- my shift involved nursing for the entire shift- she couldn't get enough. She slept in her bed for 0 minutes last night. Lovely! But today she is taking her nap in her bed which is quite nice.

We had our first doctor appt today and it went very well. Natalie's hands and feet keep turning purple but the dr. assures us this is normal and nothing to worry about. She is down to 7 lb 4 oz and looks so skinny to me. But my milk is so close to being in so I think her weight will go up soon. She is jaundiced which the dr in hospital thought she was heading in the direction so we went back to the hospital today for a heel prick and we will find out the results shortly.

All in all everything is wonderful and we could not be more pleased with how the whole process took place. Natalie is wonderfully happy and such a gift. We know the whole process was watched by both of our grandmothers who would have loved to meet Miss Natalie.


Unknown said...

I've been checking your blog all the time waiting for this update! Congratulations! I am in shock that you had another girl-I thought for sure it was a boy too! But can you imagine the fun Melanie and Natalie are going to have?!
I saw Clint this morning and he look a little tired-he told me ya'll were up a lot last night! I hope things start settling down and she gets into a good routine soon!
Take care! I'd love to come by and see you guys when the kids are at MMO!!

Randi said...

Congratulations! Natalie is beautiful, and she just wouldn't be a Gilbreath baby unless her delivery was eventful (and short), right? I bet you are thrilled to be home and I'm sure Natalie will get on a better sleep schedule soon. I LOVE the picture of Melanie and Natalie, and I can't get over the fact that Natalie has so much hair!! She's precious!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS Leslie, Clint, Melanie, and Shelby!!! Just from the pictures, baby Natalie looks just like Melanie. =) I can't wait to meet her in person. I know y'all are so excited to have two gorgeous little girls!