Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fun New Pics

Okay here is the it Melanie or Natalie? Here is your hint...2 are Melanie 1 is Natalie....Check at the end to see if you are correct...

Melanie wanted to be involved in the picture fun

Eyes are open again!

Well, it doesn't seem as if either of our daughters are overly photogenic. But, they are both so sweet and cute in person it doesn't matter. Melanie is continuing to be wonderful and I got to sleep from 5:00-8:00 this morning!!!!! Guess what woke me up...Clint had to get Melanie up so she could get ready for her Chuck E. Cheese birthday party and she started crying and then my milk starting spewing. Jeez Louis! Wrong kid there boobies. I guess they don't care where the crying is coming from they were ready for action.

Answer: Completely naked: Natalie- the other 2 are Melanie


Unknown said...

That's hilarious about the crying and your milk exploding! That used to happen to me in stores!! Embarrassing! Thank God for those nursing pads...
I got the pics right b/c Natalie was such a skinny minnie compared to Melanie!
Glad you're getting some sleep!

Randi said...

I guessed completely wrong with the pictures. I thought the second one was Natalie. They look so much alike to me! I do think that Natalie looks a lot more like you than Clint right now.
We're hoping to visit sometime soon. (maybe sometimes before the end of March...?) Let us know if there's anything that you need.

Anonymous said...

She is so absolutely precious. Justin wants to hold her.
Take care,
The Brights