Adios diapers!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes you ready correctly. They are a thing of the past! We have been potty training for a LONG while now. Melanie knows how to use the toilet and does so on a regular basis. She would open the bathroom door, go in, pull down her pants, take off her diaper, throw it away, pee and call for me. So, that was my sign that it is ridiculous to continue this process any longer. So, on Wednesday we said goodbye to diapers. I told her I ran out of diapers (mostly true, I have a few left over) and that she had to wear her panties. Melanie had up until this point cared less if she was wet and I've tried the cool alert pullups- still didn't care that she was walking around with a freezing pootnanny. So, panties it was. I am taking her to the bathroom about every 30 minutes right now to make sure we "catch" the pee. Wednesday we had quite a few accidents (maybe around 4 or 5). But, she knew that she peed and did NOT like being wet. Thursday only 3 accidents and we will see what happens today. At night she still wears a diaper or pullup. Also, at school I put a diaper on under her panties b/c they do not have a bathroom in her classroom. It is not until the next age up. I was pretty impressed Wednesday. I realized that we did not have enough panties and little play pants to make it through the day. So we went to Target and went to Target's bathroom first thing. However in the panty aisle she said "oh no mommy." And a LITTLE bit of pee had come out. But, she was able to stop it until we got to the bathroom and cleaned her up. She picked out Elmo, Tinkerbell, and My Little Pony panties. She really wanted the Dora panties but they didn't have them in her size. I wish they didn't have them any size b/c it teased her. But, all in all HOORAY for my little girl!!!!! I thought this was as good as time as any since she will be out of school for a while and now that I finished with my Christmas shopping we will probably be around the house for a while. Wahooo!!!!!!
Also, enjoy the pics from Chuck E. Cheese. I forgot to post them last week. She went with my parents. Apparently they have a toddler section and she was able to put in her own tokens and do things by herself. The spoiled little girl thought the whole section belonged to her and didn't want to let any other kiddos join in the fun. Oh the rude awakening when the new baby comes.
YAHOO for Melanie!! We're working on it with Grace...she's very close, but is so stubborn sometimes and refuses to go potty!
She needs to show Grace how to be a big girl!
That's awesome. I know you are thrilled and wow, what a savings! They add up don't they? Way to go Melanie!
Hope you're feeling well. March is getting close! I bet you can't wait!
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