We went to see Santa yesterday. We went up to the Avenue b/c I loved the Santa they had last year, it is free, and there is no line. So off we went. Melanie was very excited about the experience and when we got there and she saw Santa she was equally exicted. There were 4 or 5 kids in front of us and she watched them all get their pictures and she was saying "my turn." She kept commenting on Santa so I began to think we might actually get a good picture. Well, I was wrong. She HATED Santa. As soon as Clint put her on his lap she started screaming. She liked him again once Clint picked her back up. At lunch she told us that "Santa scared me." But, she liked to talk about his red suit, white beard, and the reindeer food that he gave her. So I think she likes the idea of him as long as he stays 5 feet away :)
Also, Clint had a baby yesterday. He got a new car!!! We were not planning on getting a new car anytime soon but his car started to have one thing after another go wrong and we had to draw the line somewhere. So he got a 2007 4 Runner. It was used but only had 1,245 miles on it. The previous owner only had it for 1 month and ran into finance issues so we basically got new car for the price of a pre-owned. WAHOOO!! It is beautiful and I am sure the car will make the blog at some point.
How exciting--a new car! Tyler can't wait to get a new truck one day when we can afford to. That's great that you found such a good deal.
What a pitiful face Melanie has. I think we're going to try to whole Santa thing with Bo this year since he's too young to really get scared by him. Hopefully he'll like his red suit as red is his favorite color right now.
Enjoy December with the new car and a little one who is so excited about Christmas!
Cute pic-it seems that all kids have a hard time with Santa the second year! We're planning on going to the Avenue sometime soon to see Santa, too, so it should be interesting!
Yea for Clint!!! Although, once this baby gets here, I have a feeling you might be trading cars!!!
This picture is classic!
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