Melanie trying her new paint from Becca- so cool- it is with the Crayola Colorwonder paper and the "paint" is like wax that you dip your finger on and rub on special paper and your picture appears- it is very cool!

Aileen with her puppies new toy

Becca with her new blanket to stay warm

Chris with his Blockbuster gift card

Shelby with her prizes (Marley- Becca's dog- gave her pigs ears- her new favorite treat and Champ, Lily, and Tank- Chris and A's dogs gave her new balls for the ones that have "disappeared" under the fence)

Melanie with the 8 princess Pez Dispensers she likes setting them up and playing with them all and learning the "friends" names

Clint with his holiday beer- Thanks Chris and Aileen

Clint with his new driver cover- Thanks TJ!

TJ showing off his loot- including a pooping reindeer- it poops out candy

Opening her first Christmas present of 2007

Showing Santa her boogers
Santa "AKA Pops" came to my school Wednesday. We had our annual sing along and classroom holiday parties and Santa comes to visit. Clint brought Melanie by. She loves coming to my class. Santa was a hit. Pops was quite good. With practice he gets better and better. I think Melanie knew something was up. She happily sat on his lap- too bad the pic I got is of her picking her nose on his lap. Words cannot describe how crazy it was in my classroom- if you don't believe me ask Clint or my dad- it was officially the craziest my room has ever been- anyway I was trying to coordinate Santa and take pics while the teacher I am job sharing with and the para pro and speech therapist were (and all the parents that came) were trying to wrangle kiddos. So, sorry the pic is not so great.
We had our dinner club Christmas party that night. We had yummy food prepared by yours truly. The only reason I am remotely bragging is because I normally am TERRIBLE at anything that involves food (besides eating) because I find NO interest in any food preparation. However, if I do say so myself, it was a grown up meal that even Clint liked. But, I must admit, I didn't do too much- Thanks Honey Baked Ham for a delicious turkey :) Melanie loved all of her gifts- it was our first look at how she would react to having all of the presents to open. She really enjoyed opening them all but she wanted them all the way open so she could play with them. She got many neat art supplies, a set of Princess Pez dispensers (I think her favorite present of the night), and some fun singing maracas.