Sunday, April 06, 2008

We've Survived...but are a little tired!

Melanie continued to not sleep through the night Thursday night. Sleeping with us yet again. I was up with both of the girls around 12:00 and finally got Natalie to sleep. I fell asleep watching HGTV and then I wake up and Melanie still watching it- quite content. I brought her to sleep with us and she complained to Clint and I much of the night that we were touching her pillow. Thank goodness for my mom coming over bright and early the next morning to give me a chance to take a nap and then she took Melanie for most of the day and I got to relax with Natalie. However, Melanie woke up from a nap at my parents complaining about her ear hurting. She has never had an ear infection so I was thinking it might be a true complaint. We took her to the doctor the next morning and she is just fine- but with a cold. So yet again a pointless dr. visit but I guess I like it that way- I didn't want her to be sick. So we are constantly trying to keep Melanie and Natalie away from each other which is not an easy task. Our friends had a wedding shower last night so my parents watched the girls for a few hours while we were out. Natalie was super with the bottle and sucking it down!

This morning Melanie decided she no longer wanted to be a big sister. We are trying our best to give Melanie alone time with one of us or our parents but it does not seem to be enough. She only wants to go to the person with Natalie. This morning I was trying to nurse Natalie, eat cereal and read the paper (some super multi-tasking) and oh my, my paper touched Melanie's place mat. She freaked out and started to have a tantrum. I told her I would fix it all after Natalie finished eating. She said she "I don't want Natalie anymore." So that was the first anti-Natalie sentiment so far. Then Melanie continued to have a tantrum as we attempted to go to the grocery store. She got mad on the drive that the doll she brought did not have the correct baby bottle and proceeded to throw the doll at Clint and I in the front seat. So, Clint got out at the grocery store with Natalie and I told Melanie that we would go in when her tantrum was over. Finally it kind-of finished and we attempted to go in the store. We have to use the new carts b/c both girls don't fit in the old carts. Melanie got really angry at that idea and started having another fit and I put her in timeout at the grocery store. She got out of timeout and ran out of the store. So needless to say I wasn't happy with that idea. Finally the drama ended and we completed our grocery shopping. So...maybe it took Melanie a little while to realize it but I think she does not love being a big sister right now. Hopefully that will change soon!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Hang in there. It sounds like you have your hands full but are handling things well. I don't know how you do it with two kids. Bo keeps me on my toes and he's the only child I have...Bo's still sick (and to answer your question, we did have to see a doctor in Florida~~quite an experience that was...), but we are hoping to visit once he's all better!