Monday, April 07, 2008

Ahhh, peace again!

So, we've had a few minor tantrums but nothing major and the past (almost 24 hours) have been quite nice!

Funny stories from last night:
Clint put Melanie to bed and drama began because Matilda, one of her dolls, did not have her bottle. Clint explained that Matilda did not need her bottle until the morning. Matilda happens to be a talking doll (gee, thanks Ruth...) and Clint pushed her belly and she said "mama" and Clint said, "See, she is not hungry." Smart Melanie was quick with a comeback and pushed Matilda's belly until she cried and said, "See Daddy, she is hungry." So he just had to leave saying Matilda doesn't get a bottle.

Then, later on that night (around 11:30) I am finishing what I hope to be the last nursing session for a little while and I hear Melanie start screaming in her bed. So, in order to keep Natalie in her sleepy stage I go and get Clint and tell him to deal with Melanie. I hear Melanie continue to scream through Clint's attempts at whatever he was having to deal with. So, I go put Natalie down and go in Melanie's room to see what the drama is. Melanie had somehow managed to get both of her legs in one leg hole of her pajama shorts and it was cutting off her circulation. Don't ask me when or how she did that but it happened and she didn't want Clint to remedy the situation, only me. So, Clint left and I attempted to calm her down and get her to fall back asleep. She dozed off and I attempted to leave and she said, "Wait mom, I need Matilda's bottle." SERIOUSLY!!!! Are you kidding me? It is now midnight- I don't care one bit about the silly baby bottle. I explain no and goodnight then I head back to re-try my attempt to get Natalie asleep. But, after that the night was fine and event-free.

Natalie had her one month doctor appointment today. Clint was able to go also thank goodness!!! Melanie was super- just a little bored and wished it was her doctor appointment (oddly enough she enjoys going to the doctor these days). But, Natalie got a clean bill of health- hooray. And, guess what, she gained 2 lbs since her last appointment- holy cow!!! She weighed 9lb 4 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long. Her weight was in the 50th percentile and height in the 70th percentile. She had to get one shot and HATED it!!!

All in all today was drama free- WAHOOOOO!!!


Unknown said...

Her obsession with the bottles is hilarious-not at midnight I'm sure-but very funny! Grace isn't that obsessed yet.
I can't believe how big Natalie is getting! Can't wait to see her soon!

Unknown said...

Hey! Sounds like life at your house is never dull. My mom and I would love to come see Natalie (and the rest of you, of course) sometime soon. :)