Sunday, October 21, 2007

Well, would you like to know the name and sex of the baby?

I think Melanie believes you go to a fall festival every other day. We went to Loganville's Fall Festival on Saturday and if I thought Lilburn Daze was bad I didn't even know what was in store for me. It was AWFUL! It was very congested down one road and had 0 things for kiddos to do. It was a lot of churches and local business trying to gain publicity and not even many crafts. We watched some kids tap dancing and Melanie got a pumpkin painted on her face from a church. We also got free cookies from a church which Melanie (without our knowing) managed to smear all over her face. We laughed so hard when we went to get her out of the stroller. I'll post the pics soon.

Her latest almost 2 year old skill- telling us to "stop it." We are trying to nip this little game in the bud as fast as we can but she is quick to tell any grown up doing anything not to her liking to "Stop It." Good grief silly girl.

Now what you've all been waiting for:
Her latest funny story...
Mommy: Melanie, am I having a girl or a boy?
Melanie: A girl (and no, we do not know- nor are we finding out)
Mommy: Really? A girl? What is her name going to be?
Melanie: 'Atunia (Petunia)
Mommy: Really, Petunia. Who do you know named Petunia?
Melanie: Nanna and Pawpaw's house- baby Petunia.
Mommy: Oh, like the baby at Nanna and Pawpaw's house. Do you like the name Petunia?
Melanie: Yes, 'Atunia.

Of course we would never do that to a baby but Melanie sure is going to be sad when she realizes the baby is NOT named Petunia!

I think I MAY have felt some flutterings this past week. (Maybe that is what the pains were for- getting some space to move around.) I am not sure. They are not the "tap tap" or kicks that I remember from Melanie but something is going on- it is more just like possible movements. The baby is SO LOW. I also do not remember Melanie being this low but I'm sure she was. It is way below my belly button. But no pains and happy flutterings so I can't complain.

Hooray for the baby and for silly Melanie!


Randi said...

If Bo would have been a girl, we would have named her Petunia... Just kidding!! That's adorable!

Unknown said...

Ohhhhhhh, you got my hopes us!!!! Petunia is a great name! It would fit it with Violet, Apple, Hazel, and all those other crazy hollywood names!!