And the winners are.... Brad and Crystal- Oompa Loompas (spelling?)
Jeremy and Elizabeth- Gone with the Wind
Matt- Top Gun
Joey and Erin- June and Johnny Cash
Ruth and John- The gopher and Billy Murrary
Rachel and John- Fionna and Shrek
Chris and Aileen- the Nightmare Before Christmas
Leslie and Clint- From Harry Potter...boy do I look preggers now!
Brotherly love
TJ and Becca- the foks from Dodge Ball
Brian (Uncle/Cousin- I am not sure- Eddy, and) Dawn- The Girl from Matrix
I also had my yearly Halloween/Birthday Party. The theme this year was "Movie Characters." Everyone was awesome! Though the moral of the story that I learned is that I need to get out and see more movies. I only knew the Disney characters :)
First off you will see the pics from the Loganville Festival. Notice the chocolate all over her face. She loved getting her face painted.
Then guess what happened last Tuesday...Baby Petunia woke up! Clint hates that I am calling it Petunia in thought that it might be a boy- but it will survive. Clint wants to call it Peanut- but that was Melanie's fetus name. So Clint is voting for Cashew- ummmm-NO! I was sitting at work on Tuesday and felt a small tap tap- and WAHOOO!! The baby is moving! It doesn't move much and nobody else can feel it yet but it is moving. Last night I got up to let Shelby out to go to the bathroom (and me also) and then the baby decided to move from 1:00 am- 2:00 am. I couldn't fall asleep b/c the moving is so new. I know I will get over it and and will wish it to stay still so I can sleep but right now I love it!!! I guess I am practicing for staying up with baby #2 :)
Baby Pete would work for a boy...
Great pictures. I bet the holidays are much more fun with little ones, I can't wait until Bo is old enough to do all of the things that Melanie is doing now.
Oh good Lord, what a crappy pic of us!!! We did have a blast though! Can't wait to see pictures of your little cat on Halloween!!
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