Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another not fun Monday

Yesterday I woke up and my stomach was hurting pretty bad again. I was able to rest and the pains pretty much went away. I took Melanie to gymnastics and about 15 minutes in I realized that was not the best of ideas. My stomach was starting to hurt pretty bad but I was trying to tough it out. However about 5 minutes before the class was over I was sweating and thought I might faint. So, I took Melanie and went out front and called my dad (not home) and then Clint's parents. Thankfully Clint's parents were home and were able to come pick Melanie and I up. There was no way I was driving. I got to their house and was able to rest and have them take Melanie. After about 1 hour or so it felt much better and we were able to go about our day with just minor annoying pain. Then, I woke up this morning and I was getting ready for work and they started up again. I don't know if they are a product of the hernia or the stretching of the ligaments. Whatever they are, they SUCK! I feel like typically I have a pretty high tolerance for pain and this is no fun! They come on pretty strong last an hour or two and then they are gone. Hopefully this will not last my entire pregnancy b/c believe me...I already have a countdown. I was whining to Clint this morning when my stomach hurt so bad that I have 23 more weeks of this- AAAHHH!!!! But, I DO NOT want the baby to come early so I will deal with it. Out of paranoia from the last dr. appt. I ordered a dr. grade doppler machine to listen to the baby's heartbeat. I can rent it by the month so hopefully I will only need it for a month or so and then the baby will be moving. Every time my stomach hurts I listen for a heartbeat. My stomach kind of feels like a tightening (or like I pulled every ab muscle I ever had) and I get scared that it is squeezing the baby. But, I've been able to find a heartbeat every day so I guess all is good. My big dr. appt. is in 3 weeks where we have the in depth ultrasound. I am so ready for that appt. and for them to assure me that everything is okay! But that is all of my latest drama.


Unknown said...

Leslie this sounds scary to me! It almost sounds like what I felt when I was having contractions at 25 weeks! I'm so sorry you have to go through this pain. I'm sure that what gets you through it is thinking about the fact that you get to meet your little baby at the end of this ordeal!!! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Listen to your FATHER and call Dr. Bonk every time an episode occurs!

Randi said...

I bet you're nervous, but I'm sure you are doing all of the right things (resting, monitoring baby) and he/she is growing and getting stronger every day. Hopefully you'll feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're having a rough time! Yuck. Let me know if you want some extra hands to help with Melanie. I'm always glad to watch her. Hope you have a better rest of the week.