Monday, October 08, 2007

Dr. Appointment

Well, I had a not so fun morning. I had my 16 week baby check up today. I took Melanie with me because we were coming straight from gymnastics. Clint told me it was a bad idea to take her and let me just say HE WAS RIGHT! I thought it would be no big deal...they would listen to the baby's heartbeat, weigh me and I would be out of there.
Well from the moment they weighed me Melanie started crying. She really hates people in scrubs. I tried my best to explain that it was not for luck! So, back to the exam room. I asked about deli meat b/c all of a sudden I have been bombarded with info on how I should not be eating deli meat (which I did with Melanie). So I talked to the dr. about it and she said as long as it was from a reputable deli I should be chance of Listeria recently reported from Subway. However, there is more of a chance of Listeria from white Mexican cheeses AKA cheese dip. So, bad bit of info #1 for me- no more cheese dip. Well, without cheese dip and margaritas, what is the point of Mexican?
Next I talked to the dr. about my stomach pains which flared up pretty bad last week at work and a little bit yesterday. She assured me that it was probably just my ligaments stretching...until the exam that is. Bad news #2 I have a hernia. I knew my belly button was sticking out way further than with Melanie but I didn't know why. Well, it is because the hernia is under the belly button. The only way to repair a hernia is with surgery which I obviously don't want while I am pregnant. So unless it becomes unbearable the answer is deal with it. It won't go away after the baby is born but it may not bother me because I won't have a baby pressing against it. So moral of the story is...hopefully I can stay tough.
So after all of that finally on to hearing the heartbeat. Which I hate to say is normally pretty uneventful. The dr. puts the machine up to my belly and immediately a heartbeat. Well not today. The dr. tried finding one and thought possibly she heard one but she couldn't be sure. So she asked the nurse to go get a different type of machine. With this one she couldn't hear anything but my heart. So, I was starting to get quite nervous- meanwhile remember Melanie is hysterical beside me. So bad news #3 no heartbeat. Thank goodness the ultrasound lady was still there and didn't have any patients. So, my dr. sent me immediately to the ultrasound. I didn't have Clint there- he has been there for every ultrasound with both pregnancies and I had hysterical Melanie and I knew we couldn't find a heartbeat. I was trying to keep my emotions in check at that point. So finally the ultrasound lady has everything set up and I lay down and THANK GOODNESS!!! a heartbeat. She saw the baby and it's hands and feet. She measured it's head and listened to it's heart. Everything seems okay. But needless to say once I got out of there and had Melanie strapped into her carseat and calmed down I lost it. It was the least fun appointment I have ever had. Melanie will NEVER come back with me (yes, Clint you were totally right). I guess Mexican is out for a while and I am counting the days until my next dr.'s appointment which is my regularly scheduled ultrasound. I really need that appointment to have her carefully look at everything and reassure me that things are okay. So yuck...Monday blues!


Unknown said...

Wow, what a crappy Monday! :( I'm so glad that the ultrasound gave you peace of mind! If you ever need to bring Melanie over so you can go to an appt. alone feel free to call me! I would never want you to go through that again!

Randi said...

Wow! It sounds like you were really tough holding all of your emotions in until after you left the dr.'s office. I wish I could have held it together all of the times that I went to the doctor. I was an emotional wreck!! Hang in there, and maybe you can make your own, listeria free cheese dip...I wish I could give you a pregnancy safe suggestion for the margaritas...


Les, never fear about the hernia. I can't remember which child ruined my belly button, but it stayed that way for a long long time, because I never got it repaired until I had bladder surgery. They fixed it then. But of course, I'm WAY older, so it really didn't bother me that much.
Take care....and I hadn't heard that about the cheese dip. That's too bad. Love Ma