Having a model pose for my mom
Shelby's birthday party
We went to Grayson Days last weeked (it was SO HOT!) and this was my only picture. Melanie picked out a duck and won a GIANT inflatable hammer.
Posing with her flower- we lost the bouquet that came with her wedding set and we went to buy some fake wedding flowers at Hobby Lobby. This is the wedding flower she picked. She also uses it as a fishing pole. I tried to cut the stem to make it more like wedding flowers and she refused.
Melanie and her new hair cut (and food on her face).
Well, we've been quite busy these days.
Starting at the beginning of last week Natalie got sick. Melanie has had a constant "little kid runny nose" for about a week or more now. It is clear and hasn't slowed her down one bit. But, Natalie seemed to catch the congestion and one day last week had a temp to go along with it. One night she was up ALL night with me or Clint holding her to keep her upright (boy work was not fun the next morning!) but since then she seems to be fine sleeping. Her temp seems to have calmed down and just the congestion remains. She does not like me to use the "booger getter" to clear out her nose but you have to do what you have to do. Melanie does not like the fact that the frog humidifier is in Natalie's room instead of her own. She will look at it and say "mom I feel sick. I'm coughing and sneezing. I need the frog in my room." DRAMA! I tell her no she has a tantrum and we go on about our day.
On Tuesday I decided that I desperately needed a pedicure. I didn't know the next time I could schedule it that Clint would be home to watch the girls and the place would be open so I just said lets do it and I took the girls with me. Melanie picked out the color and sat on my lap while the lady did my toes and then she painted Melanie's. Natalie slept through it all. Melanie was SUPER until the lady was finished and it was time to let them dry. She started wiggling and scrunching her toes up so the paint got a little messed up before we ever left-but she's 2 so it is fine. I decided taking the girls is good if all I am after is the finished product of good looking toes- as for a relaxing experiece....not so much. I need to be by myself for that plan.
Then Wednesday I had an interview to work with a company that contracts through Babies Can't Wait (early intervention services for children birth-3 years old with disabilities). I told the lady Clint would be home Weds afternoon to watch the girls but she said she would rather do it during the day and to just bring the girls with me. So I did. Thank goodness it was in a therapy room with toys. Melanie was putting hats on me and having me feed babies during the interview and Natalie was wide awake and wanting to be fed and I am trying to concentrate, learn what I need to do and make smart comments. It all went well and I got the job but I was really sweating by the end. It is perfect I am going to be working 1 day a week (possibly 2 extra hours on Friday also) seeing a bunch of kids. It will work out well this summer to bring in some extra money but only have to deal with childcare 1 day a week. I have worked it out with some of my mom friends and they are going to take my kids on Wednesdays and I will take their kids one day and give them a day off- who doesn't need that every now and then!
Wednesday I decided Melanie's hair was SUPER long so I was taking her to get it cut a cute summer cut. Well, on the way I ran into the Loganville car chase with the cops. I was going down the road and this truck was coming at me super fast in my lane. When he saw me he swerved into his lane and went past and then the police came behind him. I was thinking boy is he in trouble. Then on Hwy 78 a police behind me turned on his lights. I pulled over and really thought that I wasn't going too fast. Then about 8 cop cars did a U-Turn on 78 (including the one I thought was pulling me over) and headed in the direction I was coming from. It turns out the guy had a felony warrant and ended up getting shot by the cops. DRAMA!!! But, the hair cut turned out super cute. Melanie was awfully wiggly but yet again,she is only 2. I love her cut and wish I would have done it sooner. The next day at Clint's mom she wouldn't lean back in her car seat b/c she told Donna it would mess up her hair. She also couldn't take a nap because it would mess up her hair. SERIOUSLY- what 2 year old cares about her hair that much?
Natalie is doing super. She goes to sleep around 10:30 and sleeps until some time between 2:00 and 3:00. She will eat and sleep another 2 hours or so, eat and sleep another 2 hours and eat again. She is great for Donna and my parents while I am at work. She has longer periods of awake time where she just looks around and takes in the world. She loves mobiles and I wish I had one that never turned off. I will put her in her bed with her mobile while I go do something...say laundry...and I have to run in and wind it up after folding 2 towels. She coos and smiles so much. It is quite fun.
Shelby turned 4 on Thursday. Melanie had picked out and wrapped a birthday gift for her. So she got a new tennis ball and new treats that look like cookies, goldfish crackers, and pretzels. Melanie thought they were wonderful.
Last night my mom wanted Melanie to come over for a slumber party. Clint played golf and didn't get home until close to 9:00 so it was just me and Natalie at the house for a long period of time. I didn't really know what to do with myself. I just sat holding her, reading with a glass of wine not knowing when the last time I had time like this in the evening was. It was quite nice but I just felt like surely there was something I was forgetting to do- it was very odd to have such a quiet house!
Melanie's haircut is adorable!! It's too bad that both of your girls got sick, but I'm glad to hear that Natalie is sleeping so well. I bet your interview was entertaining to watch. :)
It was good seeing y'all yesterday. Melanie's hair looks super cute. And congrats on your job!
I love Melanie's haircut! When she came to school with it the other day, she was so proud of it! It was too cute!
Glad you're getting some more zzz's and hopefully Natalie gets over her cold soon!
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