It's like we live in the country- hanging out on the porch :)
Melanie refused to be in the picture
Happy Mother's Day!
Nanna with her bird house
Natalie meeting her great-grand"ma"
Mommy's little not-looking like her girls :)
The girls posing before a church function where Natalie was recognized
Well I had multiple wonderful Mother's Day gifts but the best....SLEEP!!! Natalie is back to her wonderful sleeping habits and our nights of craziness are over. She is pooping again (though not as much as she used to...more on that later) and is a happy baby.
Saturday my mom's parents came in town to meet Natalie and celebrate Mother's Day. Melanie enjoyed playing with my grandmother and showing her the vivid imagination that she possesses. Melanie was soooooo excited to give my mom the bird feeder she painted. She has kept it a secret for 3 weeks! I couldn't believe it.
Melanie made me an adorable flower pot at school and was great at telling me Happy Mother's Day and that she loved me all day Sunday. Clint made us all pancakes for breakfast and I relished in the fact I didn't have to be in charge of anything. He also gave me a gift certificate for a massage...I just need him to schedule the babysitter and it will then be the perfect gift! Then his family all came over to celebrate Mother's Day. Melanie was yet again super excited to give Donna the birdhouse that she painted and pointed out each place where she put paint. Clint and Brian were in charge of the food- how lovely! He also made dinner but I had to complete one household task...hours of laundry. It had seriously piled up and I needed to do mass amounts of it. I called my mom and told her I distinctly remember one mother's day when I was probably in high school that my mom was whining about doing laundry. My dad and I commented then just don't do was Mother's Day and we thought if you don't want to do it no one is making you- just sit down. She explained that if she didn't get it done then it wouldn't get done. We thought she was insane. Well, I called her Sunday and told her I totally "got it." It took me 27 years but I see why sometimes you have to do laundry on Mother's may be the only day of the week you have an opportunity! But all in all it was a lovely day.
Today Natalie went for her 2 month doctor appointment. She was SUPER and got the best report ever. She weighed 11 lb 15 oz (73rd %) was 22 inches (60th %). She was super social and was cooing, making eye contact and reaching for the doctor. He said socially she is exhibiting signs of a baby 1-2 months older than she is and that is a sign that other developmental markers may come along quickly also. So, in summary- SHE'S A GENIUS :) She also got 4 shots and an oral vaccine for Rotovirus. It was pitiful and Melanie was super concerned. The doctor also said to not worry about how often she is pooping- it is the makeup of the poop to worry about so all little TMI_- but we are all good in that department! Melanie was amazingly well behaved and I took her to Target for a reward (and because I was having some Target withdrawls and wanted to go myself) and she picked a cash register. She loves playing store and restaurant along with dressup and doctor these days. What a perfect weekend and day!
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