Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Know, I know, it's been a while

I haven't posted b/c I knew the vacation post would take a while with the million pics so I have been avoiding it. So we will skip it for a while. Natalie is growing so big so fast. She is now in her 3-6 month clothes! She also (much to her disdain) has slept through the night 4 times now! Wahoooo!!! We are making her sleep in her crib during the day rather than being held and she hates this plan. So, she is up more during the day and that makes her super tired by the night time. Melanie is funny as ever. Boy does she come up with some lines! This morning she saw me doing laundry and told me my 100% cotton dress from Target was "fancy." She now is NOT a big girl(as she explainec to us)- she is just a little girl and she can no longer do things for herself- we need to do them (such as walking). Hmmmm, a little jealous of Natalie? So here are a couple pics of Natalie and a quick video of her also. I will get to the vacation post...I just need a long nap out of both of them! Also, Father's Day (and Clint's birthday) went great. We had a date night with our friends Friday night. Clint's parents watched the girls and it was nice to get all dressed up. This morning Melanie gave him all of the gifts she made (Bday= painted golf ball and golf tees...and a round of golf and Father's Day= a painted hammer...heehee for all of Clint's handywork. Melanie told him now he could build a deck- as if this was what we were planning to do!)


Unknown said...

Well I wasn't going to say anything, but yes its been tooooooooooo long!!! I've been checking EVERY day for a vacation post!! But, I am cutting you some slack since you have a baby and a 2 year old! :-)
Cute pics-she is getting so big and we haven't even met her yet!!! We need to get together soon!

Unknown said...

crap, i just realized, i'm an idiot. i've MET her, but not held her or anything fun!
these children are sucking my memory out...

carrie said...

It was so nice to see your comment, Leslie! We just got back on Saturday, joe is still there with the fam--so i'm solo this week. fun stuff. i'm having a tough time explaining to ellie why we can't live in the beach house, lol.
it will take me a week to get all my pix together to post as well.

I love your blog! Your girls are so sweet!! I can't believe how big they both are & that Natalie is what, 4 months now?