Friday, June 20, 2008

New Swingset

Boy is she photogenic...or maybe not! She had pooped on her clothes and it was almost bath need for a new outfit :)
We have had our new swingset for about 2 weeks now and love it. We considered the expensive wooden ones and the expensive plastic ones but settled on the old trusty metal ones like we grew up with (that are about 10x cheaper!). So, here are a few pics and clips of the girls playing.


Randi said...

How fun! It looks like you got as much of a workout as Melanie did on that last video.

carrie said...

that tummy in the swing....the poop. i almost spit out my food. thanks for the afternoon giggle, leslie.

love the new swingset. we just go to our neigbors house when they go out.
ghetto, huh! hahaha.

Unknown said...

SO cute! I know Melanie and Natalie must adore their new swing set. I remember playing on one of those for hours. I'm glad y'all had a good vacation, too. :)