Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
While the boys are away the girls...SURVIVE
Clint, Chris and Brian went to play golf on Sunday to celebrate Brian's birthday. So, Melanie, Natalie and I went on a shopping day to play. As any mom knows shopping with kids isn't easy but it is still shopping so I still love it- and I have to admit, my girls are SUPER shopping partners- much better behaved than other kids I see in stores. So, for lunch we stopped at Moe's. We were all seated and happily eating and talking. I finished my food and proceeded to nurse Natalie while Melanie finished eating. Next thing I know Melanie is projectile vomiting all over the table, floor and herself. Well, I still had Natalie attached to my boob so I am getting her off without exposing myself to the restaurant, putting her in her carseat, and grabbing Melanie. I run them both to the bathroom- leave them there while Melanie is screaming at the top of her lungs, run back out to the manager tell him we've had an accident in the back booth that needs to be cleaned up, run back in the bathroom and start the cleanup process. Melanie's change of clothes was in the car so I just had to strip her to her underwear and stuff the nasty clothes in a baggie in my purse and take off her shoes and stuff them in my purse. Meanwhile Natalie has explosive poop that I have to clean while my naked daughter is crying next me to. I get everyone clean (but not quiet) and have to leave the restaurant holding my purse, a carseat and a naked 2 year old. I quickly thank the manager (Moes' on 124- give them your business- they were great!) and run out. Melanie was just fine once I got her dressed and supposedly she choked on a piece of cookie and it made her gag and throw up. AAAHHH! Drama!
Today Melanie had her gymnastics "show." Clint's mom came to watch and gave her $2 for graduation from preschool. I took Melanie shopping with her $ (I asked her if she wanted to save it in her piggy bank or buy something and she picked SHOP). She proudly carried her $ around and picked a shirt on clearance at Kohl's (for $1.60) and paid the lady and carried her bag around proudly. So cute! I' m proud of her for picking clothes!!!
Today Melanie had her gymnastics "show." Clint's mom came to watch and gave her $2 for graduation from preschool. I took Melanie shopping with her $ (I asked her if she wanted to save it in her piggy bank or buy something and she picked SHOP). She proudly carried her $ around and picked a shirt on clearance at Kohl's (for $1.60) and paid the lady and carried her bag around proudly. So cute! I' m proud of her for picking clothes!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Attempts at videos
This is "Wide and Deep" Take 1
"Wide and Deep" Take 2
Baa Baa Black Sheep
ABCs- sorry I cut off the beginning and end!
Natalie Take 1- Sorry so blurry...not too sure what causes that....
"Wide and Deep" Take 2
Baa Baa Black Sheep
ABCs- sorry I cut off the beginning and end!
Natalie Take 1- Sorry so blurry...not too sure what causes that....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Have you ever been on a date mommy?
Well, that is not the conversation I expected to have with my 2 year old tonight. But, she said, "Have you ever been on a date mommy?" I explained yes, with Daddy. She said, "Have you been on lots of dates?" I said yes, lots with daddy. Then she asked if I had ever been on a date with anyone else. I explained yes and she wanted to know who. I decided not to elaborate and explain to her that most of my dates were with daddy. WHAT IN THE WORLD? I didn't expect this conversation for 13 more years!!!!
Boy is she interesting!
Boy is she interesting!
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Best Mother's Day Gift Possible!
It's like we live in the country- hanging out on the porch :)
Melanie refused to be in the picture
Happy Mother's Day!
Nanna with her bird house
Natalie meeting her great-grand"ma"
Mommy's little not-looking like her girls :)
The girls posing before a church function where Natalie was recognized
Well I had multiple wonderful Mother's Day gifts but the best....SLEEP!!! Natalie is back to her wonderful sleeping habits and our nights of craziness are over. She is pooping again (though not as much as she used to...more on that later) and is a happy baby.
Saturday my mom's parents came in town to meet Natalie and celebrate Mother's Day. Melanie enjoyed playing with my grandmother and showing her the vivid imagination that she possesses. Melanie was soooooo excited to give my mom the bird feeder she painted. She has kept it a secret for 3 weeks! I couldn't believe it.
Melanie made me an adorable flower pot at school and was great at telling me Happy Mother's Day and that she loved me all day Sunday. Clint made us all pancakes for breakfast and I relished in the fact I didn't have to be in charge of anything. He also gave me a gift certificate for a massage...I just need him to schedule the babysitter and it will then be the perfect gift! Then his family all came over to celebrate Mother's Day. Melanie was yet again super excited to give Donna the birdhouse that she painted and pointed out each place where she put paint. Clint and Brian were in charge of the food- how lovely! He also made dinner but I had to complete one household task...hours of laundry. It had seriously piled up and I needed to do mass amounts of it. I called my mom and told her I distinctly remember one mother's day when I was probably in high school that my mom was whining about doing laundry. My dad and I commented then just don't do was Mother's Day and we thought if you don't want to do it no one is making you- just sit down. She explained that if she didn't get it done then it wouldn't get done. We thought she was insane. Well, I called her Sunday and told her I totally "got it." It took me 27 years but I see why sometimes you have to do laundry on Mother's may be the only day of the week you have an opportunity! But all in all it was a lovely day.
Today Natalie went for her 2 month doctor appointment. She was SUPER and got the best report ever. She weighed 11 lb 15 oz (73rd %) was 22 inches (60th %). She was super social and was cooing, making eye contact and reaching for the doctor. He said socially she is exhibiting signs of a baby 1-2 months older than she is and that is a sign that other developmental markers may come along quickly also. So, in summary- SHE'S A GENIUS :) She also got 4 shots and an oral vaccine for Rotovirus. It was pitiful and Melanie was super concerned. The doctor also said to not worry about how often she is pooping- it is the makeup of the poop to worry about so all little TMI_- but we are all good in that department! Melanie was amazingly well behaved and I took her to Target for a reward (and because I was having some Target withdrawls and wanted to go myself) and she picked a cash register. She loves playing store and restaurant along with dressup and doctor these days. What a perfect weekend and day!
Friday, May 09, 2008
The Life of a Working Mom "AKA- Back to Reality"
Well, I didn't realize how nice my maternity leave was until it was over. I was shopping so much and spending so much money that I thought it was probably a good thing to return to work. Don't get me wrong...I love my job and I love keeps my mind going and gives me something different to talk about rather than Melanie and Natalie but it is a bit hard to balance it all. I also am contracting part-time now with Babie's Can't Wait and I have 8 clients that I see on Wednesday. Holy Cow is that exhausting! I felt like I cheered the longest game of my life b/c it is like I am putting on a cheerleading performance for each parent and child the hour I am at their house. So when I get home it is not too much relaxing time b/c I have the girls fed, clean, and packed for the next day and then it is time for bed. This is all why I LOVE LOVE LOVE working part time. I get to get out, save a little $ (while earning $) but I have time to see the girls and play at home also.
Soooooo....Natalie has had some poop drama this week. She pooped Monday and then not again until Wednesday morning and now no more to this point. So she is super fussy at night when she feels constipated and can't go. So, she proceeds to cry ALL NIGHT!!!! Each night Clint and I are each getting about 2-4 hours of sleep. AAAHHHH!!!! Last night we were about to have a nervous breakdown when she hadn't pooped, we were sleep deprived and it was midnight and she was screaming. So I put her in the car seat and took her for a drive. It was pouring rain, I didn't have on a bra or shoes but off we went. Well after about 15 mintues I thought it was seeming pretty dangerous b/c I was getting more and more tired so we can home. Guess what she was asleep. I put her in her room (at 12:30) and just prayed she would last until my alarm went off at 4:30- no luck...she was awake 15 minutes later. So Clint and I are like zombies today She has her 2 month appointment on Monday so we will see if it is something in my diet or something causing the problems. But, other than that Natalie and Melanie are wonderful and lots of fun each day...and Natalie loves to smile and coo when I talk to her. So sweet!
Soooooo....Natalie has had some poop drama this week. She pooped Monday and then not again until Wednesday morning and now no more to this point. So she is super fussy at night when she feels constipated and can't go. So, she proceeds to cry ALL NIGHT!!!! Each night Clint and I are each getting about 2-4 hours of sleep. AAAHHHH!!!! Last night we were about to have a nervous breakdown when she hadn't pooped, we were sleep deprived and it was midnight and she was screaming. So I put her in the car seat and took her for a drive. It was pouring rain, I didn't have on a bra or shoes but off we went. Well after about 15 mintues I thought it was seeming pretty dangerous b/c I was getting more and more tired so we can home. Guess what she was asleep. I put her in her room (at 12:30) and just prayed she would last until my alarm went off at 4:30- no luck...she was awake 15 minutes later. So Clint and I are like zombies today She has her 2 month appointment on Monday so we will see if it is something in my diet or something causing the problems. But, other than that Natalie and Melanie are wonderful and lots of fun each day...and Natalie loves to smile and coo when I talk to her. So sweet!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Busy Bees
Having a model pose for my mom
Shelby's birthday party
We went to Grayson Days last weeked (it was SO HOT!) and this was my only picture. Melanie picked out a duck and won a GIANT inflatable hammer.
Posing with her flower- we lost the bouquet that came with her wedding set and we went to buy some fake wedding flowers at Hobby Lobby. This is the wedding flower she picked. She also uses it as a fishing pole. I tried to cut the stem to make it more like wedding flowers and she refused.
Melanie and her new hair cut (and food on her face).
Well, we've been quite busy these days.
Starting at the beginning of last week Natalie got sick. Melanie has had a constant "little kid runny nose" for about a week or more now. It is clear and hasn't slowed her down one bit. But, Natalie seemed to catch the congestion and one day last week had a temp to go along with it. One night she was up ALL night with me or Clint holding her to keep her upright (boy work was not fun the next morning!) but since then she seems to be fine sleeping. Her temp seems to have calmed down and just the congestion remains. She does not like me to use the "booger getter" to clear out her nose but you have to do what you have to do. Melanie does not like the fact that the frog humidifier is in Natalie's room instead of her own. She will look at it and say "mom I feel sick. I'm coughing and sneezing. I need the frog in my room." DRAMA! I tell her no she has a tantrum and we go on about our day.
On Tuesday I decided that I desperately needed a pedicure. I didn't know the next time I could schedule it that Clint would be home to watch the girls and the place would be open so I just said lets do it and I took the girls with me. Melanie picked out the color and sat on my lap while the lady did my toes and then she painted Melanie's. Natalie slept through it all. Melanie was SUPER until the lady was finished and it was time to let them dry. She started wiggling and scrunching her toes up so the paint got a little messed up before we ever left-but she's 2 so it is fine. I decided taking the girls is good if all I am after is the finished product of good looking toes- as for a relaxing experiece....not so much. I need to be by myself for that plan.
Then Wednesday I had an interview to work with a company that contracts through Babies Can't Wait (early intervention services for children birth-3 years old with disabilities). I told the lady Clint would be home Weds afternoon to watch the girls but she said she would rather do it during the day and to just bring the girls with me. So I did. Thank goodness it was in a therapy room with toys. Melanie was putting hats on me and having me feed babies during the interview and Natalie was wide awake and wanting to be fed and I am trying to concentrate, learn what I need to do and make smart comments. It all went well and I got the job but I was really sweating by the end. It is perfect I am going to be working 1 day a week (possibly 2 extra hours on Friday also) seeing a bunch of kids. It will work out well this summer to bring in some extra money but only have to deal with childcare 1 day a week. I have worked it out with some of my mom friends and they are going to take my kids on Wednesdays and I will take their kids one day and give them a day off- who doesn't need that every now and then!
Wednesday I decided Melanie's hair was SUPER long so I was taking her to get it cut a cute summer cut. Well, on the way I ran into the Loganville car chase with the cops. I was going down the road and this truck was coming at me super fast in my lane. When he saw me he swerved into his lane and went past and then the police came behind him. I was thinking boy is he in trouble. Then on Hwy 78 a police behind me turned on his lights. I pulled over and really thought that I wasn't going too fast. Then about 8 cop cars did a U-Turn on 78 (including the one I thought was pulling me over) and headed in the direction I was coming from. It turns out the guy had a felony warrant and ended up getting shot by the cops. DRAMA!!! But, the hair cut turned out super cute. Melanie was awfully wiggly but yet again,she is only 2. I love her cut and wish I would have done it sooner. The next day at Clint's mom she wouldn't lean back in her car seat b/c she told Donna it would mess up her hair. She also couldn't take a nap because it would mess up her hair. SERIOUSLY- what 2 year old cares about her hair that much?
Natalie is doing super. She goes to sleep around 10:30 and sleeps until some time between 2:00 and 3:00. She will eat and sleep another 2 hours or so, eat and sleep another 2 hours and eat again. She is great for Donna and my parents while I am at work. She has longer periods of awake time where she just looks around and takes in the world. She loves mobiles and I wish I had one that never turned off. I will put her in her bed with her mobile while I go do something...say laundry...and I have to run in and wind it up after folding 2 towels. She coos and smiles so much. It is quite fun.
Shelby turned 4 on Thursday. Melanie had picked out and wrapped a birthday gift for her. So she got a new tennis ball and new treats that look like cookies, goldfish crackers, and pretzels. Melanie thought they were wonderful.
Last night my mom wanted Melanie to come over for a slumber party. Clint played golf and didn't get home until close to 9:00 so it was just me and Natalie at the house for a long period of time. I didn't really know what to do with myself. I just sat holding her, reading with a glass of wine not knowing when the last time I had time like this in the evening was. It was quite nice but I just felt like surely there was something I was forgetting to do- it was very odd to have such a quiet house!
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