Tuesday, February 12, 2008

34 weeks and Contracting

Yes, you read it right. Last night I started to have some pains in my upper right abdomen and when I rested they went away. Today at work they started again and I tried to just rub them out. But, after chasing the kids down the hall they started to hurt much worse and I got light headed and hot. I had my parapro take the kids and I called the dr office and went and took my temp. Well, I didn't have a temp but I felt terrible so I had the secretary call my dad to come pick me up. We proceeded to go to the dr. office but they had me hold off and wait for the nurse to talk to the dr and then call me with a plan of action. Well, the plan of action was to head up to triage at the hospital to get checked. All this time I felt uncomfortable but no contractions or anything. So, Clint and I were driving up to the hospital and I thought hmmmm, kind of felt a tightening. As we were waiting on triage the tighting started to come and go. So we tried to start timing again and, yet again, like Melanie the contractions were coming very quickly- so quickly that we thought there was no way we were timing correctly. Well, as soon as they got me hooked up they realized I was for sure contracting and often. However, I was/am only 1-2 cm dialated and 50% effaced. The contractions occur every 1-3 minutes. They can slow them down to every 4 mintues with meds- but whoop de doo. Big difference. I stayed at the hospital all day/evening and was finally discharged with no baby and constant contractions. AHHHHHH!!!!!! This is going to be a long 6 weeks if I can't stop the contractions. They feel like period cramps that tighten up my whole belly last a minute or so and go away. So, it is just uncomfortable, not painful but still- yuck! I am going back to the dr on Friday to see if I have dialated anymore and to see if the contractions have slowed down/stopped- lets hope so. They hope to stop the labor until 36 weeks but are not going to do anything invasive to stop since I am 34 weeks 2 days. They did a pretty detailed ultrasound showing that they baby weighs 5 pounds so I am not too too worried if it comes soon. But, that is my latest drama!


Unknown said...

Wow, Leslie that is crazy! I can't believe how close together they are too. I also don't understand why they don't give you something to stop the contractions all together. I know its gonna be pretty uncomfortable with you still working for the next month or so!
I hope the Dr. gets you straightened out Friday!!!

Leslie Gilbreath said...

Since I am so far along they don't want to totally stop everything b/c the baby will technically survive now. So, they are just slowing them down. If I was super early then they would have been more invasive at stopping the contractions.

Unknown said...

That makes sense. I just can't imagine having to deal with the contractions for 6 more weeks!

Randi said...

It sounds like you are taking the situation in stride. (How else would you take it? You have always been able to handle anything and make big challenges seem like a walk in the park...)I hope baby takes a break from being in such a rush to meet the world, and allows you to enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy with as little discomfort as possible. We'll be thinking about you and praying for some relief for you! Take care!