Monday, January 07, 2008

We've been busy

Since the last post we've been quite busy. We knew it was getting time for Melanie's 2 year old pictures so we all 3 had hair cuts. Melanie was great however I did not love the lady who cut her hair. We went back to Snip Its which is fun, cute, and clean and I really like it, however, you don't make appointments so you get who you get. The lady was nice but not overly into kids and she was shaking so bad that I was scared she was going to cut a chunk of Melanie's hair off. She also was terrible at fixing Melanie's hair- I just wanted to jump in and do it myself. We will NOT be going back to her. The hair cut for her was minor- just to shape it up but I am not convinced that it is perfectly straight in the back. Oh well- she can wait a few months until her next cut.

We went this past weekend for family pictures. They turned out well. I was quite frustrated with Melanie's hair b/c she has constant new hairs growing in that don't quite reach and hairdos I create and normally just hang in her eyes. Well I didn't want them in her eyes for the pictures so we were using hairspray every 2 minutes trying to control them...some pictures it looked CRAZY- needless to say we didn't buy those. However in some they were more controlled. I wanted a picture of Melanie and my belly but those turned out weird also. She was suppose to be listening to my belly but it looks like she is trying to take a nap and I am trying to get away from her. We did get quite a few good shots even through this and I really like a couple of our family shots. Melanie does not smile well on command so the "smiles" are not, well, "smiles" but more like she was watching us doing something and her face was happy. But she was very cooperative which is all I can ask from an almost 2 year old.

I went to the doctor last week also. It was my 28 week appointment. I had only gained 1 pound- even through the holidays and the trip to Mississippi. I was not expecting that...I was shooting for no more than 5! I got back the results from my glucose and iron screening and everything is perfect. I am measuring one week ahead again. The baby is head down (for now) and quite active. I talked to the doctor about the fast delivery the first time around and how we are a little nervous about it this time. She said they could always induce at 39 weeks if I have started to dialate to prevent that but I don't think I pick that either. I think I will just take my chances with a possible fast labor again. If I get really dialated (like I was with Melanie (4cm 80% effaced) then we can just go live in Lilburn for a week or so until the baby comes and at least cut out 1/2 of our commute.

I am getting so excited for Melanie's birthday. Mostly just because I can't wait for her to see her room. Clint and I are finishing with the accessories and it looks sooooo cute. I hope she enjoys it as much as we do.

Also, completely unrelated to everything- I am obsessed with my new Roomba that Clint and I got for Christmas from my parents. We named her Helga and I think we run her every other day. It is the coolest thing ever. I recommend it to everyone.

1 comment:

Randi said...

It sounds like picture time was quite an ordeal. I better the funny memories that you have from taking the pictures will be worth the time and energy that you put into getting them done.
I uploaded the pictures from my digital camera. It really wasn't too hard using Quicktime but hopefully it will continue to be fairly easy. Why didn't Dr. Langone teach us that stuff in his class. That would have been applicable to my life. :)