Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What a Big Girl!

On Friday we decided to take the front wall off of Melanie's crib- essentially making it a daybed. I was petrified at what might happen. We put the kid proof door knob thing on the inside of her bedroom door and wished for the best. Well she loves it and does great!!! All weekend she stayed in her bed as if she didn't know she was allowed to get out. She would call for me in the morning and when I would come in her room she would then get out. Yesterday I saw her little feet (under the crack of the door) go over to her nightlight to turn it on after I laid her down. Then, yesterday after nap I heard knock on the door and she was knocking for me to let her out. I was so nervous but she is doing great. I think she will be super in her big girl room in January!


Randi said...

Yea for Melanie!! I hope you are feeling well and this pregnancy is becoming more enjoyable as the days until the new baby pass by. He/she will be here so soon!!

Unknown said...

Yea Melanie!!! Grace says she can't wait to have sleepovers one day soon!!

Elizabeth said...

What a big girl! I can't believe Melanie is already graduating from her crib--it seems like she was just born!