Monday, September 24, 2007

Nice Weekend

First off...
Melanie's latest funny comment heard from the front seat of the car:
Melanie sneezed
Melanie: "Bless you me."
Hee hee sooooo cute!

Melanie got sick last week and it was NOT fun! Wednesday she had a bit of a runny nose but did not act like anything was wrong so we did not worry about it at all. Then Wednesday night I hear the most horrific cough over the monitor and then I hear her burst into tears. I run in there and she is crying and coughing terribly. I pick her up and take her downstairs. I am holding her and she is trying to go back to sleep but she can barely catch a breath. So I run upstairs and tell Clint to get up and that I need some help. I am normally really tough with her injuries and illnesses but maybe due to pregnancy hormones...I am not sure but I was NOT tough. I start crying at this point and I am telling Clint to get out the baby book and see what we are suppose to do. He is delirious and doesn't have his glasses on and I tell him that she is having trouble breathing and he says that the books says we should take her to the emergency room. Well, I had enough sense to know that was not what we were going to do so I told him to keep reading and we didn't come up with much. So, I thought well I need to monitor her tonight and keep her upright. So from 2:00 am until I had to start getting ready for work I held her on the couch. She was soooo pitiful! I got ready and took her to my parents and told them that I was going to make a Dr. appt and that they could meet Clint up at the Dr. later. Well at this point Melanie acted as if she was perfectly well and went playing around my parents. I swear she was sooo sick the night before. It ended up after a Dr. appt which Melanie HATED (and had to be held down by both my mom and Clint) that yes, she did have a cold and the croup! Yuck! The dr. gave her some steroids and all has been perfect since then. But, just a warning...if your child has the croup you will not be confused that it something else- it is a terrible sound!

Also, starting on Thursday I had terrible stomach pains. I was not too worried about the baby because they were not cramp feeling pains but pain to the touch kind of on the outside...mostly around the belly button. If anything came anywhere near my belly button it killed. I never felt this way with Melanie and I was not sure what it was. I called one of my friends, Amy, and she said she had the same pains with baby #2. I also called my dr. (to be on the safe side) and it is completely normal. Apparently my uterus has moved from where it belongs up and in the process it scooted everything out of the way and stretched a bunch of ligaments in the process. I think with Melanie this must have happened much more gradually and with this baby I think it happened in 2 or 3 not fun days.

So, with that drama over we had a pretty nice weekend. We were proud of our sports teams and Clint has trained Melanie well...she knows how to do the "Dirty Bird" dance for the Falcons (though it doesn't seem to help this season), she knows the "Goooo Dawgs, Sic Em" chant for GA and the tomahawk chop for the Braves and she can look at the TV and decipher the difference between baseball and football.

Clint and I celebrated my birthday extra early last night and had a date night to the Fox to see Stomp. We went a few years back and loved it so I really wanted to go again this year. We went out to dinner before and it was quite nice to get dressed up (though not too much fit...yucky in between stage...not too pregnant looking...not at all skinny looking...just a little chubby), and have a fancy night. No new pics right now...we'll get busy on that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH my've had a rough few days! I'm glad its over! Reading your post brought back some scary memories with Zach...NOT fun! You can never forget that barking sound!
And your belly pains do NOT sound fun at all! I'm so glad that is over for you too!
p.s. I LOVE Stomp!!