Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fun Times

We went to the park on Sunday b/c it was such a beautiful day. Shelby got to swim (boy what a difference 1 year makes...she doesn't run off anymore after swimming). Natalie and Melanie enjoyed the playground and Clint and I got our exercise walking around Tribble Mill. I also took the girls for the annual picture day at Portrait Innovations. They did great and I of course bought a ton of photos. I will try to post some of them. Remember, the picture girl edits/crops them so you are seeing the raw picture. Natalie had her 1 year dr. appointment today. She did great. Her head is in the 96th% (remember it was so tiny when she was born) and her height shot up. Last time (3 months ago) she was in the 49th%. She has gained 3 inches and shot up to the 89th%. Her weight stayed on the big side 23lbs 11 ounces and was in the 84th%. Boy I have some big old girls! We had to have a talk about Natalie's biting (it is happening alot!). Also, I asked for any advice with her pooping in the tub almost every night (even if she poops in the potty before hand)...well he had none. Oh, well, we'll just keep cleaning. She did great and only 2 shots. (They used to give 4 at this appointment but now they split it up and she will go back in 3 months for the other two- I like it better this way!) We got a reprimand b/c we don't brush her teeth enough (well, 2x per day seems a bit silly at this point but we'll shoot for it), and she doesn't say words that "outsiders" would understand besides "mama" and "dada." She is quite different than Melanie in her talking for sure. She doesn't even want to sign- she would prefer to scream. Again, we're working on it. But, she got props for table food, no bottle or sippy cup(well only sometimes) (she prefers a straw cup), she is SOOOOOO close to walking and took a couple of steps and sleeping well. So, some things great, some areas to improve. All in all a happy appointment. Melanie and I have been doing lots of crafts together. I will post the pics when today's dries. She is really fun to do things like that with now- it was a long time coming but fun. I got the job I was hoping for!!! I will be working at a great childcare facility in Lawrenceville that is NAEYC accredited and has low child:staff ratios. They seemed very kind and my tour/interview with them left me smiling and happy for my girls. Not only do I think they will have such fun I really think they will learn alot. They get Spanish, music, science from "specials teachers" and can sign up for Karate, Dance, and PlayBall. There are 3 GA PRE-K classes there (I was concerned b/c I don't want to one day have to teach my girls) but all looks great. I can't wait to start. The video is Melanie's latest learning activity...she is too cute!


Anonymous said...

My grandaughter is a Genius!!


Elizabeth said...

I'm impressed!Yes, she is definitely a genius :-)

Unknown said...

Super cute! Where did you get the letters?

Leslie Gilbreath said...

The letters are Eric Carles letters from Target- they are SUPER STURDY and they have an animal that he drew on the back of each one the corresponds with the letter.