Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Is He About to have a Picking Party?

So, Melanie is now in big gymnastics where I do not go in with her. She is getting better at it each week. But, the first week she picked her nose for 3/4 of the class and at the end I had to tell her that it was not okay to pick the whole time and if she really needed to pick she could go the bathroom or wait until it was over and I would let her have a picking party....

So, the inauguration was yesterday. I thought it was all pretty cool and watched much of it (though I was bummed that at the gym Regis and Kelly wasn't on to run to...pre-inauguration stuff wasn't nearly as exciting). I was trying to get Melanie to watch a bit of it and she was asking pretty cool questions, so I was thinking, there was a chance she had a tiny bit of understanding of what was happening. She asked if Hillary Clinton was the new president ("Is she the new president?") when she and Bill walked in and I explained, no, a boy was the president. She asked why and I explained more people wanted a boy than a girl (hey, she just turned 3, there is only so much explaining that can be done). So then she asked about some of the later men that they showed, asking who they were ("Is that Obama?"). I explained no, and that he would come out later. Then when he came out and people were cheering and he was hugging and shaking hands she asked, "Is he about to have a picking party?" WHAT????!!!! That doesn't even make any sense. So, it goes to show that a 3 year old actually has no clue what is going on as the world of politics is concerned.

One other funny (well, kind of) story...Melanie smothers Natalie, hugging her too tight, getting on top of her, pushing toys at her, etc. Yesterday, Natalie was in the highchair and Melanie was smothering her with a hug and Natalie finally snapped and bit Melanie. Natalie bites me all the time and cries hysterically when she gets in trouble but payback is a, well, you know, for Melanie. We've warned her a lot and she doesn't listen, maybe she will now. Then she was concerned that Natalie got her shirt wet with slobber. Good grief!


Aileen said...

Maybe she thought that Obama was going to pick his nose while he was speaking. A man with the same bad habits as her!

Anonymous said...

Will there ever be a new post?
