Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wow! lots of updates

I've realized when I am not working I am much less reliant on technology so I have been around the computer very little this break. But here we go...

Christmas Eve
We had my parents over for Christmas Eve/ My Dad's Birthday Party. All was going well and our friends Amy and Caroline dropped by to give us cookies. While they were here Natalie decided to climb up on a box of a foot spa Ruth gave me. The box was maybe 6 inches off the floor. Somehow she managed to fall off and start screaming. I was not too worried...really- what could have happened. So as I am cuddling her Clint notices there is blood steadily streaming from her mouth. GREAT! So I am trying to get her calmed down all the while trying not to care that her special Christmas Eve outfit I got her is getting an enormous blood stain on it. So then Melanie realizes drama is occurring and comes over to see the blood and becomes hysterical. So, Amy takes Melanie away to calm her down and Clint and get Natalie calmed down to see where the blood is coming from. It was from inside her mouth- around where one of her top teeth was coming in. So we give her some Motrin, a paci and Clint holds her until she falls asleep. Meanwhile I frantically try to finish cleaning the house, preparing the food (or snacks) for my family and getting myself ready. (The girls were both ready). My parents were due to arrive between 6:30 and 7:00 and wouldn't you know it that around 6:30 when I still don't have makeup on and the snacks are not all prepared that Melanie decides to go in the bathroom stand there and pee in her Christmas Eve outfit I had purchased for her. So, I made her strip down and clean up the bathroom as I finished getting everything ready and then had to put her in a back up outfit (Natalie on the other hand just wore her blood-stained clothes). So eventually everyone was put together, the food was put together, my parents arrived and the Christmas fun began. The girls loved eating an amazing Banana Split Cake my mom made and Melanie really enjoyed opening up one present that night (and taking over Natalie's as well). Natalie got a walk behind hippo/fisher price see through block thing and guess what, she can walk behind and push it across the room- WOW! So all in all it was wonderful and turned out to be a calm, happy night. Melanie was really excited to lay out the cookies that she made with me and decorated with Clint and reindeer food (thanks Becca- the trail mix worked out great! and was a tasty treat for the "reindeer" that ate it that night).

Christmas Morning
Well, as with life with little ones it could not be drama free. Natalie was up from about 2:30 am on (I think her Motrin wore off) and Melanie woke up after peeing in her bed so her Christmas morning pjs were a bust (why do I even bother?). However, after that drama the girls had an awesome time with presents. The funniest part was Natalie. She ONLY wanted Melanie's opened presents...she did not care about opening them or anything made for her...ONLY Melanie's. Oh, I also made pancakes, bacon and fruit that morning and Natalie ate an entire pancake and tons of fruit (it was the beginning of her current amazing eating streak- she is eating way more than Melanie at meals right now- no baby food only our table food). Melanie's favorite gift was an Animal Hospital from the Parent's line at Target. Natalie didn't really have a favorite- she liked the cars TJ and Becca had given her earlier in the week (also from the Parent's line at Target) and Melanie was still pretty obsessed with Candy Land game TJ and BEcca had given her (though she does not like to lose and prays at night that she will win and daddy will lose :) hee hee). Clint and I only did stocking stuffers for each other- his favorite gift was an MP3 player (great for his new work out regiment) and my favorite was a set of earpieces for working out (I am training for a 10K in March). THe funniest was a car Atlas I gave Clint. He used to always say he needed an updated one but never bought it for himself so I thought I was pretty smart and bought it. He wasn't overly thrilled and I asked if he already bought it for himself and he said no, he got an GPS. Oh yeah, I guess I forgot that detail :)

Christmas Afternoon
We went over to Clint's parents for a great lunch and massive present openings. The girls got so spoiled. Melanie got a Hot Wheel that she was not initially thrilled with b/c she is not so great at steering and pedaling. But, after some outside practice she really came around and did great and grew to like it. Natalie got a cute push behind baby stroller and showed off her walking skills again. Melanie's favorite present was a real digital camera that uncle Brian gave her. She took over 100 pics. Natalie fell asleep during the festivities. My favorite present was a new digital camera that Rodney and Donna got me and Clint- wahoo! Wait until you all see the quality of the movies it takes. One funny point is that it has a setting where it will automatically take pics when it senses a smile- it will take them constantly for normal people but only once has it taken one for Melanie- apparently her weird smile doesn't even register :)

Christmas Evening
Finally to end the day we went to my parents for Christmas Snacks and more presents. I got an AMAZING wooden jewelry box with a glass top with my initials etched in from my parents. IT is huge but already full. Natalie got a Fisher Price Crawl through Home thing that she and Melanie both love. Then to top off the night Melanie got the much coveted Baby Alive. We kept it to the last present of the night. She had said that she was sad that she didn't get a Baby Alive. Then, she was so excited...until we opened it and turned it on. I wished I had a video of it. As soon as we pressed the button and it said, "Hello, I love you Mommy." Melanie freaked out and wouldn't touch it. She eventually came around and loves it and will tell you that her daddy thinks it is creepy. It eats, drinks, poops, pees, goes potty, plays peekaboo, sings and Lord knows what else. But, it was the hit of the night.

We have settled down and started organizing our house to fit all of the new toys, clothes, and things. It was amazing and such a fun, busy Christmas. I especially happy Clint had 8 days off to spend with our family. I wouldn't have changed anything (even the crazy drama of all of the outfits- no worries- our main Christmas outfits had no problems). It all made for fun Christmas memories. Enjoy all of the videos and pics to come.

Quick Natalie update:
She is so busy learning new things...cruising on furniture, walking behind toys, shaking her head no, nodding her had in the song "If You're Happy and You Know It," making kissing noises and then kissing you with an open mouth and actually kind of playing with toys- what fun!


Elizabeth said...

It's so much fun to read about everyone's Christmas! I think the best part of your story is how Melanie is praying that Clint loses CandyLand :-)

I hope Baby Alive does not talk TOO much. Jeremy's mom told me she had some sort of doll in her shopping cart for Sarah and the thing wouldn't get quiet the whole time in the store so she got fed up with it and put it back. What a relief!

Randi said...

Did you have to stay awake for an entire night to post all of these updates? Bo and Natalie must have been on the same schedule for Christmas. It sounds like you guys had a blast (minus the Christmas Eve drama)! Just wait until next year when Natalie is also more into the Christmas spirit!