Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Natalie's 9 month Dr. Appointment

Yes, I know I am behind on pictures- they are all on my home computer...I will get to it.

However, quick update on Miss Natalie. She had her 9 month dr appointment yesterday. She was so happy (aside from the shot) but great otherwise. She weighs 19 lbs 10 oz (65th%) is 27 inches long (49th%) and her head is in the 90th%. I don't know if you all remember but her head was TINY when she was born (either the 11th% or the 14th% I can't remember which girl had which head). I am thankful for being able to deliver tiny head babies but that means a lot of growing is in store and boy do they grow! She has had a pretty bad cough (for going on 3 weeks) and a really runny nose. She was doing all of her coughing for him but he was not concerned. I got the great response of you guessed it, a humidifier. That is why I hardly ever take my girls to the dr...they always prescribe a humidifier. However, the doctor was concerned about her dry skin. I didn't think it was as dry as he did but she also has some eczema that we were aware of. He wants us to not clean her in the tub (just let her play in the water) and to coat her in aquaphor or eucerin when she gets out. We tried it last night and she was like a greased pig. It was quite funny. Overall she was great...even while he was picking around in her ears. He was fine with her chunky belly (she is still nursing about 4 times per day but other than that eats mostly all table baby foods any more). Yesterday at Moes she had a bowl of black beans and a Ritz dipped in guacamole :) All in all life is great and that are happy with her. She is crawling, trying to pull to stand, and can say dada and wave hi and bye. She likes to take blocks out but will not put them in for anything and loves to drop things over the side of her highchair. A super happy baby that LOVES her mommy!


Aileen said...

I bet she loves just being able to play in the tub. One less that you have to scrub down. Now to just keep her from getting too dirty...good luck!

Elizabeth said...

Aquaphor and Eucerin sure are greasy but they certainly do the trick!

Randi said...

Good news about healthy Natalie! It's hard to believe that it's already been 9 months. Don't knock the humidifier. We love the ones that we have and although they may or may not help with colds, they make good sound machines.