So Natalie's latest "skill" is to walk into a room and dump EVERY single thing out so we say that she can quickly "destroy" a room. So now on cue, we say, "Here is Natalie, the destroyer" and she will say "Hi-yah" while hitting her arms together. Too funny!
We've had Vacation Bible School this week. Melanie's teacher told me the first day when I picked her up, "Wow, she is so smart." So, maybe I'm bragging but what mom doesn't love a comment like that when they pick up their kids. At Partee about 5 years ago we began what we call a "shining star moment" where we write one great thing their kid did during the day. Even if the kid had a TERRIBLE day we searched and found that one good thing their kid did. The parents REALLY appreciated this great thing and were able to "live their kids day" for that tiny moment. I didn't realize until I was a mom how valuable finding a great part of a kids' day to brag about is. I LOVE hearing how great my kids are and I'm not going to lie- I get frustrated if a teacher at the gym, church, school, wherever, either doesn't comment or doesn't have anything good to say. I mean come on- I just trusted my child with you- come up with something good to say. Okay, that was a really long soap box- just justifying how far positive comments go and what they mean to parents. Melanie has come home with great crafts and funny stories and songs. She said her teachers "are the gray haired ladies." It is 3 grandmothers :) I've been working in the nursery with Natalie's group. She can, how can I say this nicely..."hold her own." There are definitely not any kids that mess with Natalie. She was the smallest, youngest, and only girl but she is ummmm, aggressive when she needs to be :)
Natalie had her 15 month dr appointment yesterday. She did great. It was a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGG wait (about 35 minutes) in our room without clothes on. Natalie proceeded to lick the floor, do naked forward rolls, pull books down, stick her fingers in electrical outlets, etc. But, she got a great report. She was in the 72nd% in weight, (24 lbs 11 oz) 31 inches tall (61st%) and her head actually shrunk to the 77th%. Last time it was in the 96th% so we think it was a bad last measurement. We explained her fiestiness- he was not concerned. He was happy with her eating and sleeping skills. All in all okay.
My running is progressing. I have a 17 week training program- making it through week two- a little sore but doing fine. Just praying for no injuries in the next few months and I will be fine!
Melanie comes up with the funniest words for a 3 year old. She told me yesterday, "I'm going to go draw a produce stand okay mom." What? I asked her what is a produce stand? She said, "you know the place where you sell vegetables." I asked her where she learned that and she explained Barney. She hasn't watched Barney in forever but things stick with her. She is still having her death obsession and questioning but not quite as emotionally sad for Melanie just more questioning. She asked me what made Granny die. I told her that she had a disease that made her lungs sick so she couldn't breathe. She asked me if I was sick. I told her no, that I was healthy. Then, missy pointed out, well, you have a staff infection. Yes, Melanie, I do but (hopefully) it is not going to kill me. Good grief!
Oh!!! Our high school reunion was FANTASTIC FABULOUS AMAZING FUN FUN FUN!!!! It was one of the most fun things I have done in a REALLY long time. It was great. It was a little awkward for a while when you see people that you recognize but didn't talk to in HS do you talk to them now and act fake or not talk to them. I chose not talk to them for the most part but overall AMAZING! I have to give my class props- it is a really good group of people. There were a TON of people there. I would estimate like 250. And, they were all REALLY good looking. We were quite impressed with the cuteness of everyone. We went to a post party at a guy's house who I went to 10th grade homecoming with and it was super fun. A ton of people came over and we stayed out until about 2:00. I had woken up at 4:00 am for class that day so I was so tired and called it quits at 2:00 but it was an amazing night. Thanks to Donna and Rodney for keeping the girls for a fun night out for the parents.