Aileen helped me so much the other day...the dreaded Christmas Card day. I really attempted to get good shots. What you are seeing is the best of about 100 pics between 2 photographers (me and Aileen) lots of tears, some cheerios and sweat. Enjoy all of the latest! Sorry the video is so blurry- our camera is seeing it's final days...maybe I can get a new one for Christmas!
Blah, blah, blah.... Why oh why does the little child that you carry for 10 months, get so fat for, get stretch marks for, go through Labor and Delivery for, produce milk for decide to go around smiling and saying "dada, dada, dada?"
Oh well, it is super cute. Both of my girlies had "dada" as their first words. We will be sitting around the dinner table and I will say, "Natalie, say mama" and she will look at Clint and say "dada." That stinker!
She is continuing to crawl and scream at the top of her lungs if we (i.e. ME) go out of sight. She is a bit overly attached to my hip at this moment. However, cute and as fat as ever. We love her so much. She is wearing 12 month and some 12-18 month clothes- GOOD GRIEF! Right now she has a small temp and a runny nose but she will survive. Just a quick update on my littlest baby.
Oh, by the way- I am hosting a charity PJ and book drive for children in foster homes or shelters. You must donate NEW pjs or NEW books. If you would like to help out just give them to me the next time you see me or contact me for info on our open house/drop in to bring them by. If you would like to help many little kiddos would greatly appreciate it. Details on the charity can be found at
THANKS- and realize you are making a difference in someone's life each and every day by the actions and choices you make. Right here around the holidays help make a positive choice!
Well, as soon I posted last night's blog Natalie started crawling. Watch the video- it is not perfect but she is getting from point A to point B. I think Melanie has mixed feelings about it all. ENJOY!
So I took Natalie to get her 1st official pair of shoes today. She got fitted at Stride Rite (yes, I know a little pricey but Melanie's first few pairs and her tennis shoes always come from there b/c they size her and fit her well so Natalie does not get left out of the process). She wears a 2 1/2 on one side and 3 1/4 on the other so 3 1/2 it is. Oh, and of course a WIDE! They are kind of high tops to hold in all of her fat. Melanie's first were Robeez which I loved but Natalie's foot and cankles are too fat for that so we got this other kind. They are still the shoe you can bend in half but are oh so cute. She is trying her hardest to crawl and can crawl backwards but hasn't mastered the forward crawl. She loves all food we've given her. The only "real" food is bananas, crackers and cheese but she loves it all!
There haven't been any posts in a while b/c a nasty stomach bug hit Clint, Natalie, Me, Clint's mom, our neighbors, and all of Clint's store. So far Melanie has been in the clear. Yuck! Good thing is it is short lived (no more than 24 hours) so the end is in sight!
Happy shout out for my BFF Ruth- she just signed on a new house in Lawrenceville. We are getting closer and closer together- WAHOO!
After a big night of trick or treating with our friend Glenda the good witch My little ladybug ;) Checking out the inside of a pumpkin for the first time Painting a pumpkin Daddy's girls Melanie on a horse Natalie's first experience at the pumpkin patch Well coordinated Elizabeth and Jeremy Kelly and Dills Amy and baby Nate The ladies of Cooper Woods Chris and Aileen's new baby, Nate Hmmm, maybe this was after I had a bit to drink :) Amy was our female costume winner :) Well, I guess I owe you all a bunch of pics. We've had a great end to October, enjoying fall festivals and various other things. My mom, Clint's mom, Melanie, and myself all went to see Disney on Ice. Melanie loved it! I highly reccommend it to folks over 2 years old- it was much more fun to her than the circus, zoo, and aquarium. My birthday party was another success- hooray to Toga Parties- cheap and easy. Moe's catered the party and I highly reccommend that plan also- inexpensive and super easy! Halloween was a blast. The girls enjoyed (kind-of) carving the pumpkin and they were cute ladybugs. I had a wonderful time on my birthday- the girls made me a pumpkin craft and Clint got me a new winter coat. Overall a great 2 weeks.