Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back to Work

Peek a boo- sticking out her tongue

She loves to hang and do her gymanstics tricks on bars

With baby Carol Sue

Dancing in her crib at my parents

Playing across the street from my parents with their grandson
Well, as you have probably figured out due to my lack of posts I have gone back to work. I am working part time this year which is going to be amazing. The past two weeks I have worked close to full time dealing with pre-planning week and getting the first week and our job sharing schedule all figured out. I am very excited for the upcoming week!!

Melanie is getting smarter every day. She can count 1-8, skip 9, and then say 10. She knows the shape circle and will say "Circle, around....stop." So cute!! She knows some of her colors. She pretty much always gets orange and purple right and she is getting more accurate at blue, red, green, pink, white and yellow. She still loves her babies and her newest game is naming them all. Her favorite baby at our house is "Kimberly" at her nanna's it's "Baby Grace" and at my mom's it's "Carol Sue." She is so funny. I will offer suggestions for names and she will say "no, no, no" until I come up with a name that suites the baby or animal. She has a beanie baby named Casanova and LOVES that name- so silly! Her favorite food right now is salad- who would have ever thought that? She also loves fruit. Her newest thing to say is "Goooo dogs, sick em, ruff ruff." I don't think she has a clue what she is talking about but when she sees a Georgia "G" she will say the cheer. :)

I have posted a ton of cute pictures. Pretty much the whole month of August worth of pictures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cute pics. She looks like she's ready to crawl out of that crib...big girl bed, here we come! Hope you enjoy your first week of half time working! And, in just a couple of weeks, our little ones will be playing together twice a week! I hope they have fun!