We got the postive test result on Friday the 13th- Melanie was born on Friday the 13th- of course it had to have something to do with a holiday in this family!
This was the setup I had for Clint. I took a test while he was in the shower one morning b/c I was forbidden to take too many tests this time around. (I did anyway- what Clint didn't know didn't hurt him). He came down for breakfast before work and I had this set up. I gave him baby shoes with Melanie's birthstone when I found out we were pregnant with her.
Most of you know this already...but... WE'RE EXPECTING!!! Baby #2 is on the way. It is due March 23, 2008 (Clint's mom's birthday!). WAHOOOOO! I didn't want to put anything on the blog until we had our first "official" doctor appointment. We had the ultrasound today and everything looks perfect. For those of you that have seen me lately you know I am already starting to show. I started showing soooooo much sooner with this baby so I was convinced there was more than one baby camping out- but as it turns out just one. The ultrasound machine is new since Melanie and it was amazing. We got to see all of the baby's parts and watch it move around. When we had Melanie's ultrasound at this point she just looked like a bean. This baby looked like a baby. I am 10 weeks 1 day right now. The pregnancy has been relatively easy. I was SUPER tired but I think the worst of that is over. I realized it is much harder to take a nap once you already have your first baby! I had some nausea- but I only got sick once (at Popeye's- how gross!). So, enjoy the pictures!