Monday, July 13, 2009

Wow! What a Weekend!

Well, we survived. I know that is not the kindest way to talk about our best friend's wedding, but honestly that is how it feels. I feel like this wedding had a lot of "building up" planning and, well, we survived. To start with, Friday, Melanie (and by default, me) was invited to a Bridal Luncheon. Since Becca lives in Atlanta, all of the wedding festivities were in Atlanta. So, being the savvy driver that I am, I loaded up Melanie and Aileen for us to hit the road and make a road trip, well, okay, a down the road trip to Atlanta. To get 3 girls (one of which is 3 years old) ready for fanciness to be out the door by 10:00 am was a feat, but we made it, kind of, just a couple minutes off schedule. All would have been close to fine had we not gotten lost, and by gotten lost, meaning, we never even got off 285 for 85- ummm, problem. So, needless to say we were late to the luncheon by about 15 minutes. I need a GPS to be attached to my by a fanny pack for my whole life. Melanie was a little confused by the fanciness of a essentially a grown up tea party but she looked adorable (check out pics on Zach's and Grace's blog) and acted on her best behavior. Also, I got the most adorable cake/favor idea that I am going to use for Melanie's next birthday party.

Then, after a 1 hr 15 min drive to Atlanta, Aileen and I had to turn around and drive back. We then had Melanie come with us to get Aileen's jewelry for the events (by the way NY & Co had 50% off sale of the entire store last week- holy cow amazing! So we went there!) and off for girl beautification time. Melanie and I each got pedicures and Aileen got the works. Melanie was fascinated by an eyebrow wax, she didn't know they existed and wanted to know why someone needed to "cut their eyebrows." After that we frantically rushed home, so I could pack the dog's supplies/directions for our pet sitter for the weekend, and pack Natalie b/c we were dropping her off on Friday not to see her again until Sunday and I had to get me and Melanie ready for the rehearsal dinner. So, in a very quick 45 minutes we got all people and pets ready and we were off. I had to drop Natalie off at my parents for the night and deliver my dad info that he was to pass on to the babysitter he was going to have to leave her with next day. Then we continued on our 3rd hour of driving to Atlanta for the day. We went to the rehearsal which went well but not perfect for Mel, Zach and Grace (which made Rachel and I a bit nervous to say the least). Then off to Maggianos for the Rehearsal Dinner. Melanie did quite well there, it had been a VERY long day for her and it was quite late by the time we got home (11:00) and she had been in the car for over 4 hours of the day. So, we put her down and I went into list mode. I had to leave Clint a million lists of things to pack/bring b/c I had class on Saturday and I was just going to have to meet he and Melanie at the wedding.

So, Saturday morning started off VERY early (I had to wake up at 4:00 for class) but I made it to class just fine (I didn't ride with Elizabeth who is much better at directions than I am) and didn't fall asleep in class and we got out of class 15 minutes early which put me on the road a little early which I was VERY grateful for. My mom had kindly agreed to go with Clint to the hotel to get Melanie ready for pictures and make sure her hair was perfect. I made amazing time and got the hotel in less than 2 hours and we all went to the church. We got to the church right after 5:00 and Melanie looked SO CUTE!!! But, the wait began. It turned out that Mel, Zach and Grace were not actually in any of the pictures before hand. So, they just had to hang out for almost 2 hours in their fancy (but OH SO ADORABLE) clothes and not get wrinkled or eat or mess up their hair and be on "church behavior." Anyone with kids knows that this is not a cool task for kids. But, alas THEY WERE AMAZING!!!! I swear the kids could sense they were suppose to be kind of good and they were. They, yes, acted like 3 year olds but good 3 year olds! Then FINALLY it was time. The kids followed in a very attractive wedding party and did EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE SUPPOSE TO. Rachel and I were in shock, they walked slow, quiet, and they smiled, all in all, PERFECT. (Also, they didn't try to talk to their dad's both of which were groomsmen) They sat relatively quiet for a full Catholic Mass wedding (which I was nervous about b/c we recently took Melanie to the contemporary service at our church and I only give her a B- for that). But, I give the kids an A-. They were not perfect but pretty close! TJ and Becca looked so attractive and had a very touching wedding where, now, it is official they are MARRIED!

So, then it was time for the reception. At this point I didn't care what happened and nor did Rachel. All Rachel and I wanted was a bottle of wine, and if I do say so myself she and I earned it for keeping these kids in line & organized for the past 48 hours! The kids had on cozy shoes, could eat whatever, act however, finally just be kids! It was the cutest most fun thing to watch them at the reception. They danced their tails off. Melanie requested "Put on ring on it" from the band but they didn't play it much to their dismay. Zach was quite the ladies man and Melanie was trying to cut in on Grace each time she tried to dance with him. We were all laughing, drinking, sweating, and dancing. Melanie cashed out I think around 10:15. The Gilbreath's were amazing and took her with them to spend the night at their house. Apparently she talked the whole way home and then stayed up a bit more when she got to their house but slept super late the next morning. Zach gave up not too much longer. However, Grace is going to be the life of the party. That girl danced up until the last dance (around 12:30 ish) and she really danced. It was so cute. All of us adults most definitely cut a rug. We had so much fun and you know if TJ is getting married dancing is going to be a main staple of the party- AWESOME! I have to give my parents and Clint's parents props- the reception was much easier having 6 adults to take care of Melanie rather than just me and Clint. I had so much fun with Ruth, Aileen, Tejal & Dawn we had quite the moves :)

Clint and I made it to the "after party" at the hotel where we about crashed. We hung out with Chris and Aileen for an hour or so and then I couldn't hang any longer. I had been up for almost 24 hours and was pooped.

So, Saturday morning (after a quick trip to oh so yummy and greasy Waffle House with Chris and Aileen) Clint and I played divide and conquer (since we had 2 cars up there) and made the final trip back from Atlanta to get the girls. Both got amazing reports. Natalie's babysitter had great things to say (THANK YOU Mary Evelyn!) and apparently Natalie loved Mary Evelyn's dad- too sweet! Melanie came home with a Little People flower girl set and wedding book from the Gilbreath's and all were in a great mood.

What a weekend! I will post pics at another time- I am tired of sitting at the computer. It was so fun but so crazy and I'm glad it will not be happening again any time soon!


Anonymous said...

Ruth says: way to handle it like a lady & champ!! You rock! Had fun busting a move!

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like so much fun! I LOVE that Melanie got the flower girl Little People set--what a perfect way for her to remember her fun weekend!

Randi said...

I'm exhausted for you after reading all of that...

Unknown said...

Wow, you included so much more than I wonder I'm still so freakin' tired!!!