Saturday, August 23, 2008

Summer Fun and Sibling Rivalry

G-E-O-R-G-I-A a little preseason warm up

Clint's parents played dressup with Natalie

Natalie showing us how good she can sit

Natalie's tripod sit

Her magic wand

Melanie on "Snickers"

No more infant carrier!

Girls at the festival

Natalie playing

Last weekend I had to go to college so Chris and Clint had man's day They spent the all day Saturday taking the girls to neighborhood festival to ride horses, get Melanie's face painted, see a clown, cook out and go swimming. Then TJ had a proposal party/bday party for Becca and I was going to be late so they packed up the girls and took them to that party to. So, yes, TJ did propose to Becca and of course she said permanent 3rd wheel is taken for :) College went great. I really like the people and the professors. The work is time consuming but seems "do-able."

The latest drama guessed it...the drama queen herself...Melanie. This week she bit Natalie 2x! Once mid hug she bit her stomach and then mid kiss she bit her cheek. They both occurred at Clint's parents house. THe first time I tried to not come down too hard on her b/c Clint's parents had already reprimanded her. The second time Clint and I both gave her quite the lecture. SHe has had a star chart at our house as an incentive for good behavior and now she has one at the grandparent's house too. Since everyone got her in trouble she has seemed to straighten up...let's hope it is not temporary!

We are going to a party for one of her gymnastics friends today and hopefully the zoo on Monday I will complete another post to let you know of the fun.

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