Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fun Day!

Liking tummy time a little better She almost made it over (from back to front...she is doing it opposite I know!) Natlie is trying her best to roll over as you can see in the footage. Yes, she pooped in her clothes again so she is naked...again. Melanie loved playing with some new toys I ordered for work today. It is amazing to see how she interacts with them versus children I deal with that are her age or older. It really puts a perspective on things. At the end we went swimming with Uncle Brian and the family. Melanie was amazing and Natalie put up with it well including her first time in a bikini!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Natalie is working hard on that rolling over. If those arms would just stay out of the way, life would be so much easier wouldn't it? She looks more and more like you every day!