Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Life At Our House

Pawpaw finally got to meet Natalie

Pawpaw and his two little ladies

What happens when you leave 2 year olds alone with stickers

What happens when you leave 2 year old alone with markers

Sleeping peacefully

Playing dress up before dinner

Melanie eating dinner in her dress up clothes

Our two little girlies

Go Braves!!

Natalie at 3 weeks


Randi said...

What precious pictures of both of your girls! Is it setting in that you have 2 children? That must be quite a different life that your family has now. Everyone seems very happy so I'm sure you're enjoying every minute as the mommy of two beautiful little girls!

Unknown said...

Wow, Natalie is so alert in those pictures! She's starting to look less like Melanie, to me anyway!
You need to look at my blog again...I just added a THIRD post for the day-you'll see why when you look!! :O